
Showing posts from 2019

LibreOffice 6.1: Using Dark Icons, Color Schemes and Palettes (Themes) Part 2: Making The Example Work On Linux

In this post we'll be applying the dark LibreOffice theme we downloaded in  Part 1  of this series in Linux.  I will be using a light theme in my desktop environment to better show the results of the following steps. Adding the custom color scheme: !!! LibreOffice MUST be closed for the following steps !!! 1.    Copy the contents of the new registrymodifications.xcu and paste them into the registrymodifications.xcu file inside the user configuration directory for LibreOffice, inserting them before the last line "</oor:items>" using the command line or your favorite text editor. Command line: $ sed -i '/<\/oor:items>/d' ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/registrymodifications.xcu $ cat registrymodifications.xcu >> ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/registrymodifications.xcu $ cat "</oor:items>" >> ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/registrymodifications.xcu *** Editor's Note For Rookies:   Technically speaking, the abov

LibreOffice 6.1: Using Dark Icons, Color Schemes and Palettes (Themes) Part 1: Obtaining An Example

'Theming" LibreOffice is a little tricky with methods and file locations changing between versions and operating systems.  For example, the in the example we're about to  download contains a few instructions that no longer work.  We'll be fixing that in this series of posts.   Linux, Mac OS, Windows: 1.   Download  LibreOffice BreezeDark by the awesome RaitaroH . 2. Open the .zip file and extract it's contents to a convenient location.  The Downloads folder is handy for this. Next:     Part 2: Linux    Part 3: Mac OS    Part 4: Windows